Kamis, 07 Februari 2013

FAITH TOUR (Wisata Iman Sidikalang)

    Ka'bah                                                                                                               Bukit Safa
(Inilah perjalanan saya Hendra Pakpahan sewaktu menghabiskan liburan menyambut Tahun Baru 2013 bersama Ali Sarjuni Pakpahan di Taman Wisata Iman Sidikalang, walaupun perjalananya sedikit menakutkan dan sangat menantang karena jalan tanjakan dan berbelok-belok kami tidak takut dan tetap semangat menaiki sepeda motor Jupiter-MX.)
"This is my journey as Hendra Pakpahan spend New Year 2013 with Ali Sarjuni Pakpahan in Faith Park Sidikalang, although perjalananya bit scary and very challenging because of the hills, and winding and we are not afraid to keep up the spirit of Jupiter-MX bike."
Faith Park gate (TWI) has been in front of my eyes. The gate on the road clearly reads "Faith Park-Dairi". This park is located in the capital Sidikalang Dairi. Uh yes, after looking at the map I realized that this was Dairi bordering Nangroe Aceh Darussalam. But to get to Banda Aceh ya still far away .. Approximately 650 km longer. According to the info I can, Faith Park illustrates the diversity of religions in Indonesia. I'm more convinced by this because on top of the gate there is a symbol of the cross, dome of the mosque reads "Allah", a stupa, and the other symbols. Intrigued by Faith Park? Come right in. ONLY!

From the entrance gate on the edge of the highway to the location TWI was still some distance away. If you do not bring my personal vehicle like this means you have to walk about almost 1 km because there is no public transportation that goes up to the Park. First you will be directly confronted by a rather uphill and fairly examine your knee. At least it makes my legs after yesterday pegel also a very tiring walk to the Falls Sipiso-Piso. The air is quite cool in the middle of the woods is not enough to help me breath wheezing. After walking about 200 meters, you will find a temple that is not too big a name Vihara Saddhavana. At the top of the temple there are three stupas as well as existing in-style Buddhist temples. It's enough to see the temple? Continue the road again as it is still some distance away. The road continues to meet with postal charges. Pay 5000 dollars to get into the TWI. Of heading up to the park levy which is no longer far away. Later approached the park would be a lot of people that offer photo services. It seems quite popular also became a photographer here. Once inside the park area I was greeted by the typical songs of North Sumatra sung by a musical group on stage.

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