Rabu, 30 Januari 2013


Bukit Lawang attractions Bahorok district, Langkatregency of North Sumatra, packed with domestic and foreign tourists. During the holidays, thousands of tourists vacationing in BukitLawang attraction Bahorok, Langkat of tourism said the office staff, who contacted Andi, Tuesday, May 17, 2011.
Domestic tourists (wisnus) andforeigners (tourists), among others, visited Bukit Langa, to see orangutans, as well as the natural beauty of Bukit Lawang menikmai, he said. They come from various areas such as Medan, Binjai, Deli Serdang and fromLangkat own.
Besides enjoying the coolness of the waterBahorok, they also enjoy the natural scenery, with green Bukit Barisan mountain range, which is better known as the Gunung Leuser National Park (TNGL). In addition, tourists can see where orang-utans, which becameone of the tourist icon Bahorok, which is very well known in foreign countries.
In addition to vacation, tourist,there is also provided at various places such as hotelsthat exist in RinduAlam Hotel, BukitLawang Cottege, and various other lodging places. Their average stay of one to threedays there, let alone this long holiday, quite a lot of tourists who stay, so the hotel was full, he said.
Meanwhile, Nimpan Pinem, one of the businessmen said, very crowded tourist who buy various souvenirssuch as T-shirts andkey chains. In addition to the tire rafting, through the forest to see the flora and fauna, and also carry out arun rapids, down Watershed (DAS) Bahorok. Bukit Lawangat holiday time is quite long visited by local and foreign tourists

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