Rabu, 30 Januari 2013


                                    When the Mountain Erupted Sibayak
Sibayak mountain located in the Karo plateau (read: Overview of the Tanah Karo) with a height of 2094 m above sea level. Mountain peak condition already devastated by the eruption of the past can be reached from two places, namely: from the village of King Berneh (Spirit Mountain) and from the city Brastagi. Mount Sibayak gunng fire is still active, and has a crater enough to descend ramps and looked not too dangerous as long as not too close.
The mountain is not so difficult to climb even by a novice though. As with Mount Gede in West Java, the mountain is always crowded by local hikers at night week. They usually start climbing at around 2:00 am to get a view of the sunrise dipuncak mountain.
From the top of this mountain, we can see the view of the city of Medan in the distance.
Factors condensation on the mountain is very high which causes frequent fog seen clustered peak areas.
                                                   Sibayak Mountain Scenery
Gundaling hill with a height of 1575 M above sea level is 3 km from the city Brastagi.
To achieve this hill can be done on foot or using sado. In this hill there is a beautiful garden, a place to relax and means to exercise path around the top of the hill Gundaling. From the top of the hill can be enjoyed panoramic volcano and volcanic Sinabung Sibayak awesome.

                                                      View on Gundaling

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