Rabu, 30 Januari 2013



Museum of North Sumatra, better known residents of North Sumatra Provincial State Museum (abbreviated Provsu State Museum) is located on Jl. H.M. No. Jhoni. Field 51. It is the largest museum in North Sumatra various cultural heritage of the nation, the arts and crafts of the various tribes in North Sumatra. The museum was built in 1954 and inaugurated on 19 April 1982 by the Minister of Education and Culture Daoed Joesoef.The museum is one of the best museums in Indonesia.

The state building
The museum stands on an area of ​​10,468 m2, consists of two-storey main building functioned as a permanent exhibition hall, temporary exhibition space, audio visual room / lecture, museum headroom, administration, guidance section of space, a library, a micro-film, computer room, and warehouse.

Until 2005, the Museum of North Sumatra has a collection of 6799. It consists of a replica of a typical animal Sumatra, replicas of ancient human fossils, dioramas of prehistoric life, as well as a variety of prehistoric tools. Meanwhile, other relics such as statues of Hindu-Buddhist relic, relics tombstone, Al-Quran, Azizi mosque replicas are here, as well as the Dutch colonial era tooling also collected. In addition, there is also a model of colonial figures and replicas of old Medan city life. Museum collection includes traditional and modern weapons, traditional medicine, communications equipment used against the invaders. Also featured paintings of heroism and wartime propaganda posters. And lastly, the photographs and paintings of the hero and former governor of North Sumatra are also collected here.

                   Coffin of Batak kings first (Peti Mati Raja-Raja Batak Dahulu)

Statue of ancient human (Patung Manusia Purba)

In 2003 the number of visitors reached 73,032 in 2004 rose to 80 070, 81 031 visitors as of 2005 and July of this year to as much as 34 074 visitors. So, in 2006 he planned to project the museum visitors as much as 90 thousand. In 2006, the museum has znimasi and touch screen facilities. This is done to increase the number of visitors to 90 thousand. According to Sri Hartini exposure, Head Museum North Sumatra, that the animation technology that many children are hooked.  Besides that, be prepared for visitors kesuliatan elderly up and down the stairs to the second and third floor collection, please see on the big screen with touch screen technology, the entire room was able to visit the museum.
Andika, Staff Guidance and Education Provsu State Museum tells the previously most people especially children, many do not want to come to this museum, because the building is haunted. But not now. Andika also said that it has established cooperation with Thailand to promote their culture here (Medan) and vice versa. Also, note this museum visitors not only from local tourists, but tourists are also coming such as from Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand and China


                                    When the Mountain Erupted Sibayak
Sibayak mountain located in the Karo plateau (read: Overview of the Tanah Karo) with a height of 2094 m above sea level. Mountain peak condition already devastated by the eruption of the past can be reached from two places, namely: from the village of King Berneh (Spirit Mountain) and from the city Brastagi. Mount Sibayak gunng fire is still active, and has a crater enough to descend ramps and looked not too dangerous as long as not too close.
The mountain is not so difficult to climb even by a novice though. As with Mount Gede in West Java, the mountain is always crowded by local hikers at night week. They usually start climbing at around 2:00 am to get a view of the sunrise dipuncak mountain.
From the top of this mountain, we can see the view of the city of Medan in the distance.
Factors condensation on the mountain is very high which causes frequent fog seen clustered peak areas.
                                                   Sibayak Mountain Scenery
Gundaling hill with a height of 1575 M above sea level is 3 km from the city Brastagi.
To achieve this hill can be done on foot or using sado. In this hill there is a beautiful garden, a place to relax and means to exercise path around the top of the hill Gundaling. From the top of the hill can be enjoyed panoramic volcano and volcanic Sinabung Sibayak awesome.

                                                      View on Gundaling

SAMOSIR ISLAND (Pulau Samosir)

                                         Picture Samosir Island

Samosir Island is an island located in the middle of Lake Toba in North Sumatra. An island with an altitude of 1,000 meters above sea level. Samosir a district in January 2004. Previously, the island is part of Toba Samosir regency. Consisting of nine districts, namely Pangururan (Capital District), Daily, Sianjur Mulamula, Nainggolan, Onan bronze, Palipi, Ronggur Nihuta, Simanindo, and Sitio-Tio.
Each district has attractions, which if managed properly will bring added value to the island with a population of 131,000 inhabitants. However, unfortunately it has not managed tourism potential maximum. As a result, the SP appears in a recent visit to the area is a quiet Samosir. Whereas in June and July is holiday time.
Impression of poorly-maintained and the mountains are bare look in various places on the tourist sites. The weather was scorching lately increasingly impressive aridity in Batak tribe's homeland. Arid conditions with the main livelihood of farming and lack of access makes Samosir less developed than other tourist attractions. Not surprisingly, many local residents who migrate to the outside Samosir. According to Regent Samosir Mangindar Simbolon, most high school graduates leave Samosir to find a job for a better life.
Less access to one of the many things that hinder the development of tourism in Samosir. To reach the island is quite time consuming. Jakarta to Medan trip takes two hours flight, followed by a road trip takes four hours from Medan to Parapat, and a 45-minute ferry from Pier Ajibata, then a tourist takes more than seven hours. Time tempauh 45 minutes will be shortened to 10 minutes when using a speed boat.
Ancestral Land
Samosir Island is believed to be the origin of the Batak. Because, on this island exactly in Pusuk Buhit Sianjur Mulamula District is home of the Batak. Pusuk Buhit a hill with a height of over 1,800 feet above the surface of Lake Toba. Hills is believed to be the universe or "Mulajadi Nabolon" (God Almighty) appeared. In this district there Mulamula Sianjur village which is the first village Batak society.

The village is located in the foothills of Pusuk Buhit. In this village there is a cultural heritage in the form of miniature Si Raja Batak house. For information, the title Raja Batak is not because of the position as king and has a local government, but rather to honor the ancestors descendants Batak Batak tribe. Information circulated calling, Raja Batak came from Thailand through Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra to arrive at Sianjurmulamula. Other information call Raja Batak came from India through the area Gayo Alas Barus or to get to Lake Toba.


Bukit Lawang attractions Bahorok district, Langkatregency of North Sumatra, packed with domestic and foreign tourists. During the holidays, thousands of tourists vacationing in BukitLawang attraction Bahorok, Langkat of tourism said the office staff, who contacted Andi, Tuesday, May 17, 2011.
Domestic tourists (wisnus) andforeigners (tourists), among others, visited Bukit Langa, to see orangutans, as well as the natural beauty of Bukit Lawang menikmai, he said. They come from various areas such as Medan, Binjai, Deli Serdang and fromLangkat own.
Besides enjoying the coolness of the waterBahorok, they also enjoy the natural scenery, with green Bukit Barisan mountain range, which is better known as the Gunung Leuser National Park (TNGL). In addition, tourists can see where orang-utans, which becameone of the tourist icon Bahorok, which is very well known in foreign countries.
In addition to vacation, tourist,there is also provided at various places such as hotelsthat exist in RinduAlam Hotel, BukitLawang Cottege, and various other lodging places. Their average stay of one to threedays there, let alone this long holiday, quite a lot of tourists who stay, so the hotel was full, he said.
Meanwhile, Nimpan Pinem, one of the businessmen said, very crowded tourist who buy various souvenirssuch as T-shirts andkey chains. In addition to the tire rafting, through the forest to see the flora and fauna, and also carry out arun rapids, down Watershed (DAS) Bahorok. Bukit Lawangat holiday time is quite long visited by local and foreign tourists