Kamis, 21 Februari 2013


A.      Theoretical Framework
  In conducting a research, theories are needed to explain some related concepts or terms apply in the research concern. Some concepts and terms are used in this study and they are needed to be theoretically explained to avoid misunderstanding. The terms which are used, have to be clarified in order to have the same perspective of implementation in the field. The theoretical explanation and elaboration on the concepts and terms used will be presented in the followings.

1.         Students’ Achievement
       The word ‘achievement’ derives from a verb ‘achieve’ which means: (1) gain or reach something by effort, (2) get something done. (Oxford Pocket Learners’ Dictionary, 2008:95). Hornby (2000:11) defines “achievement” as (1) a thing that somebody has done successfully, especially using his own effort and skill (2) the act or process of achieveing something. Therefore, students’ achievement is a thing done successfully by students with their efforts and skills.
       Bloom (1956) identified three domains of educational activities, that are cognitive, affective and psychomotor. The cognitive domain involves knowledge and the development of intellectual skills. This includes the recall or recognition of specific facts, procedural patterns, and concepts that serve in
 the development of intellectual abilities and skills. The affective domain includes the manner in which we deal with things emotionally, such as feelings, values, appreciation, enthusiasms, motivations, and attitudes. Psychomotor is the skill to do something, ready to do it based on physic and emotion, self-control and become a habit. Achievement covers cognitive, affective, and psychomotorist. (http://www.nwlink.com)
       Writing as one of the four language skills taught in school also holds the important role in learning English in which students are supposed to be able to write a text and achieve good mark on it. Student achievement is viewed as examining in terms of whether they mastered or attained course learning objectives. Teacher gets the achievement of the students based on cognition, affection and psychomotor. In this study, writing concerns with the affective aspect. The achievement on writing is based on the affective skill of the students, using their responds to create or write something decent.

2.         Writing
  The terms of writing have several meanings. Many experts have proposed the definition and explanation of writing. Widdowson (1978:62) states that writing is the act of making up correct sentences and transmiting them through the visual medium as mark on papaer. It is also a product of a person’s search for meaning.
Hyland (2002:1) states that writing has been a central topic in applied linguistics. It is central to our personal experience and social identities, and we are often evaluated by our control of it. Brown (2001) in  http://en.wikipedia.orgdescribes that writing is a process of putting ideas down on a paper to transform thoughts into words, to sharpen main ideas, and to give them structures and coherent organization. So, writing is a process of transforming ideas or thoughts which is contextually acceptable.
Writing is one of important skills to be learnt in the language classroom for the academic and occupational purposes. The students need to be able to write effectively to complete their assignments or exams that require them to write short answers or longer essays as a way of assessing what they have learnt. These activities should be preceded, accompanied and follow by the action of writing. Since writing represents a mean to learn and reinforce skills, students must know and realize that the ability to write is crucial in their process of language learning, and that they will be more effective writers once. They comprehend that writing is a process, and as a process it has stages that can be identified and elements that can be learned. Thus, the instructor’s role is to provide the learners with techniques, materials, activities, and tasks necessary to understand those stages of the writing process and opportunities to engageactively in this process.

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